Asset Protection Blueprint

This is the questionnaire the attorney needs to begin the process of creating your customized asset protection blueprint. Your information will be kept confidential and is protected by attorney client privilege. Your blueprint will be completed by one of the finest and most experienced asset protection attorneys in the country. The blueprint will clearly illustrate the legal entities you need to best protect your assets and is customized and tailored based on your profession, assets, goals, and the state in which you live.


Personal Information


Your Spouse

Children / Beneficiaries

Assets / Liabilities Section



Additional Details, Goals, And Concerns

We certify that to the best of our knowledge, the forgoing is true, correct, and complete. You may rely on this information in providing advice and preparing documents for our estate and business plans. By my/our signature(s) below. I/We hereby provide Attorneys with our informed consent to share my/our information with representatives from American Society for Asset Protection, and acknowledge that I/we understand that this consent represents a waiver of any Attorney/Client privilege otherwise available. By signing below you authorize us to deal with your other advisors, and your other advisors to so deal with us.

Monday 21st of October 2024